You Do Have A Right to Remain Silent And You Should Use It.
By Curt Schulz The words “you have a right to remain silent” are almost universally known in our culture through police dramas on television and the movies. The reading of...
If I win at a hearing for an Antiharassment Order, can I get my attorney’s fees paid by the other side?
By: Kylie Finnell, Partner Antiharassment Order petitions are increasingly common. People are not required to have a lawyer represent them in these hearings, but it is a good idea to...
Why Litigating Boundary Disputes is Almost Always a Bad Idea
I teach a class to other lawyers occasionally entitled “Litigating Boundary Disputes.” My opening is a joke. I tell those listening it is an hourlong class, but I could teach...
Landlord Tenant Law: HB 1440 & SB 5600
Washington State recently enacted significant legislative changes to landlord-tenant law. These new laws introduced a fundamental shift in the way you should manage your residential properties, specifically in how evictions...
Boundary Issues and Easement Law Seminar Featuring David P. Horton
On July 11th, 2019 firm partner David P. Horton will be speaking at a seminar on Boundary Issues and Easement Law for the National Business Institute. David will teach attendees...